Jeff Henriquez

Jeff’s a portrait artist of the mundane, if you can even call his work mundane; he draws a great deal of inspiration from the pedestrian icons seen walking the streets of New York, yet going entirely unnoticed.

He sees beauty in vandalism, particularly on mailboxes, abandoned call boxes and old payphones, as they allow for a moment for us to slow down and exist quietly within the seemingly senseless, yet profound marks left upon them.

His art acts as the opening of a narrative that everyone is invited to partake in; a perspective into his reality without a fixed structure.

When we created BUNKR, we invited our community into a reality we had built for them, a direct representation of what we felt the Central District represented. Jeff Henriquez was a welcome and perfect fit for our project; his art spoke to us and we listened.

You can follow Jeff Henriquez and check up on their work through here: @jeffhenriquezart_

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BUNKR Village About the author
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